Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adoptable Dog of the Week - KC

Everybody who meets KC loves him, even the folks who don’t want to love him because he is a bully breed.
This is one fantastic, sweet chunk of love. Every negative stereotype of an American Staff or Pit bull you may have, throw it out the window. This boy loves people, he is smart, obedient, potty trained, and walks beautifully on leash. He sits for treats, and at meals he will sit/stay until given permission to eat. KC deals fantastically with other dogs, and is living with two very dominant female dogs (including a 120lb Bullmastiff!).
KC has met many other Furry Friends foster dogs, tiny and big, and gets along well with them all. KC is respectful of kids and grandparents alike. He has had full run of his foster home since day one with no issues. Kids 12+, cats unknown. He loves to chew and needs very tough chew toys (can chew up kong toys) and daily exercise (about 1 hour brisk walk/jog).

Gender: Male
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier Mix
Age: 3 years 6 months
Size: 63 lbs.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to give this sweet boy a forever home, please contact Furry Friends Rescue.