Sunday, May 22, 2011

Adoptable Dog of the Week - Bruno Bugatti!

Name: Bruno Bugatti
Age: 7 years
Breed: Basset

Bruno is big galoot who wants attention and belly rubs (what Basset doesn't!). He uses a doggie door to go outside, sits and waits for his treats, walks great on a leash and is a good car traveling companion. Bruno is the rare Basset that will actually fetch and return a ball! He's okay with other dogs, but not cats. He annoys cats endlessly, so he needs a feline-free home. If you are in the Las Vegas area and interested in Bruno Bugatti please put in the online application.

Las Vegas Basset Rescue.


  1. Awww, look at those eyes!! Who wouldn't want to take him home!?

  2. Awwwhhhhhh he is gorgeous! (And I'm not even a dog person!)
