Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pet of the Week - Dutchess!

Name: Dutchess
Age: 9 years
Breed: Miniature Pinscher

I got Dutchess when I was a freshman in college so she is my baby. It is so funny because in this picture she is dressed up, and most dogs would hate this, but she loves dressing up. When I pull out any of her outfits so goes crazy excited. She loves all the attention!!

Thank you Amanda for sharing Dutchess with us, she truly is adorable! Be sure to check out Amanda's Etsy shop for all natural handmade bath and body products: AmandasNaturals


  1. So cute! And it's so funny that she actually likes getting dressed up!

  2. She's such a cutie and really pulls that outfit off!

  3. I adore her. Love her outfit choice too, great taste.

  4. what a little cutie! :)

    FINALLY remembered to start following- I am so excited to see all of the amazing things I know will come out of the Willow Goose!
